Mary’s Matador Cabrera Slaughterhouse Protest
After shocking footage has been released from an ARM Investigation, we are going to show up on their busiest day of the year to protest the EXTREME abuse and cruelty taking place at South Florida's ONLY Legal Slaughterhouse! PLEASE JOIN US!!!! The level of corruption here is insane, we need as many people as possible to come out for the innocent animals! If you are someone who cares -- please come, The Animals Need You!
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Some of the violations observed by Animal Recovery Mission’s (ARM) undercover investigator included, but is not limited to;
• PROLONGED TORTURE: workers kill cows using captive bolt guns with improper, untrained techniques, causing drawn-out deaths and suffering. ARM documented multiple occasions where 7-8 attempts before the animals were knocked down, which is a felony criminal act. Animals are stabbed to death with no stunning methods.
• DROWNED ALIVE IN BOILING WATER: Pigs are not being stunned in alignment with the USDA Humane Slaughter ACT. Inadequate voltages are used to electrocute the animals. Pigs are stabbed and thrown into vats of boiling water while alive and
• CUSTOMERS PARTICIPATING IN KILLING PROCESS: ARM documented workers taking random customers onto the killing floors and handing them loaded bolt guns to partake in the killing process (non-religious reasons). With little to no experience, the animals suffered immensely.
These serious violations and criminal acts occurred in the presence of USDA inspectors, veterinarians, and local law enforcement officers. No interception was ever witnessed by ARM.